Thursday, May 21, 2020
Radical Criminology Essay - 2456 Words
Criminal law involves prosecution by the state of a person for an act that has been classified as a crime (Criminal law, 2010). But who gets to decide what acts are criminal? It should be no surprise that the individuals with the most power do. For radical criminologists, the problem arises in capitalist societies because it is in these societies where the means of production are owned privately by a small number of people. Based on the writings of Karl Marx, radical criminologists argue that the state works to serve the interests of the capitalist ruling class and that criminal law is merely an instrument of that class to keep all other classes in a disadvantage position (Young et al.,1973; Quinney, 1980). Named the elites, bourgeois, or†¦show more content†¦But how accurate is that statement? Street crime is without a doubt a true threat to our well being and should not be taken lightly. Robbers, murders, and rapists should be accountable to the law swiftly and forcefully, yet at the same time those who violate civil liberties, health and safety standards, pollute the air we breathe, and create conditions of poverty are also culprits of crime and should be held to the same standard (Quinney, 1980; Pearce, 1998). Edwin Sutherland (1940) defined white collar crime as one â€Å"committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.†He went on to also include crimes committed by corporations and other legal entities to fit into his definition. It is crimes committed by these people that pose the greatest danger to society, yet they are not labeled as crime because it would threaten the status quo. Jeffrey Reiman (1996) in The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison illustrates the disparities in the number of deaths between street crime (murder) and white collar crime. He notes that white-collar crimes kills and injure far more people than street crimes. Updated 2009 statistics confirm his findings. The Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed that 15,241 individuals were murdered nationwide last year, while the Centers for Disease Control estimated that approximately 20,000 cancer deaths and 40,000 new cases of cancerShow MoreRelatedSocial Reaction Theory And Feminist Theory Of Crimes1476 Words  | 6 Pagesoffending as a function of gender role socialization as they had fewer opportunities to even engage in deviance. Another major feminist viewpoint is radical feminism which accentuates that many societies are male dominated and it is the root cause of women s oppression. Radical feminists focus on demonstrating patriarchy in crimes against women. 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